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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday Rant–Online Shopping Photos

I think we all know I do a lot of online shopping and the recent trend shows online shopping is on the rise. Can you tell why some stores photos are still horrible? I’ll give you an example, in some photos I have come across jean style are not presented accurately.  Jeans that are supposed to be skinny look super baggy, but other skinnies, in the same brand, can look super tight.  This happens because the models they use aren’t wearing the right size for their bodies.  I don’t know if it’s because they didn’t have the right size when the shot the photos or the model was just way too skinny for that look.  Either way it presents a false advertisement for the denim. People shopping online need accurate pictures to judge if that is the right pair for them. It’s not just jeans that are portrayed inaccurately, it’s also colors of clothes.  Now, before you start cursing at the screen and telling me it’s my computers fault for the color being off, remember that it’s the camera taking the picture and the lighting style used.  A friendly disclaimer talking about how the colors might be lighter or darker:  I would hope the person posting the pics would communicate with the person in charge of photographing the apparel.  I know first hand how communication in business can be fouled up.  I also understand that the internet is a fast paced place were business decisions need to happen in a split second. Returns also take a ton of time and if a 2 line disclaimer was added that would cut down on returns and phones calls from customers complaining.  A little extra time can make up for countless phone calls and emails. Some websites have started to get this problem under control. It’s the smaller newer companies that need to use this strategy to get ahead of those established stores.  I will make this promise now, which will probably get broken,  I will give out the most information on my pages about each item I will be selling, I will measure each and every item and if the photo doesn’t match the real item I will tell you that it doesn’t match. I know I am not the only one out there that has noticed these problems, so the next step email, write or call and demand these changes now.

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